Limited Availability Chassis
Made for a small boutique audio mfr... powder
coated gloss, with bottom plate, side aluminum rails and perfect
cherry wood (unfinished) sides with handy routed grip, top cherry wood plate for
power xfmr and output xfmrs.
Originally set up to use the classic EL-34 P-P pair and ST-70 class output iron,
you can use the holes in this
chassis to build almost anything.
It would be very nice and a perfect fit to retrofit your ST-70 parts into this chassis. Slick!
There are two chassis finishes - gloss
powdercoat or anodized black aluminum. I have more powdercoat than
anodized, fwiw. Less than a dozen all told.
These chassis are for sale separately or
bundled with the following accessories...
The accessories:
- Binding posts (as shown) in Black, Red,
Yellow, Blue & Green! (available separately or bundled)
- LCR brand 50ufd/50ufd @ 500vdc filter caps
- End bells new manufacture to fit ST-70 output iron (clean up that old
- Photoflash caps 300ufd @300v these are ideal for fast powerful secondary
- IEC AC Mains input module, with switch and fuse (fits hole in chassis)
- Photoflash PCB Assembly (as shown) a pcb module of series/paralleled
photoflash caps (fits slots in chassis)
The images.
The basic chassis
The chassis showing the position of the cherry wood sides (mounting rails not
shown), the transformer cherry wood platform and the photoflash cap assembly
(normally mounts under the chassis but shown here above), and examples of
the binding posts. The wood parts are unfinished, their beauty
will come out
once you put a quality finish on them.
The Photoflash caps PCB is now shown properly inserted and the binding posts
shown in their intended position, you can also see the thickness of this chassis
Ok, the transformer that was intended for this amp is shown just plunked down,
upside down, in the spot it goes... a standard ST-70 footprint is what this is.
Of course you can mount anything you want above the hole...